Sunday, October 29, 2017

The elephant

The elephant is the largest mammal on the earth. His weight is about 4984 Kg.  He eats grass, leaves fruits and barks . he spends 16 hours a day  for eating. He eats 224 kg of food per day. 

The adult male is called 'a cow?  The adult female is called 'cow?  The baby elephant is he can smells from 3 to 5 km away. He has the largest brain in the animal kingdom. His sound is referenced to as gruts, purrs bellows, whistles and Trumpet ing. 
His life span is up to 70 years. The elephant's trainer is called a mahout ; Elephants can hear by feeling the vibration in the ground with their feel. 

The Table - tennis Balls Experiment

The things taken for this Experiment are :  two tennis balls, a ruler, tread and cello tape, The parti pant hangs the balls on a ruler with the help of threads and a cello taTpe. 

There is a  distance of about 6 To 7 centimeters between them. The participant holds the ruler in  front of a girls face, keeping a distance of about 30 centimeters. 

The girl blows at the balls. Instead of moving away from each other, the balls come uearer this is due to imbalance created by air when you blow at the balls, the air between the two balls moves away, creating low pressure. 
The surrounding air has high pressure, which pushes the balls neara

My Bicycle

I like my bicycle very much my bicycle is new.  It is read in colour. It has White  seat. It is soft it has a nice, small bell. I like to ride my bicycle every day in the garden.  Somethings,  i also go to school on my bicycle. I enjoy riding my bicycle. 

Watch Your watch

           The town clock says six O' clock. 

The kitchen clock says eight  O' clock 

        Daddy's watch says Ten O' clock 

                      I hope I won't be late. 

               Mummy says that one is past 

                           And one is one hour late 

                    One is right but which is it.? 

                                  I really do not know. 

Noise - The Music of sound

I like noise, 

The whoop of a boy, the thud of a hoof, 

The rattle of rain on a galvanized roof, 

The hubbub of traffic, the roar train. 

The throb of machinery numbing the brain, 

The switching of wires in an overhead tram, 

The rush of the wind, a door on the slam, 

The boom of the thunder, the crash of the waves. 

The did of a river that races and raves, 

The crack of a rifle, the clank of a pail, 

The s trident tatoo of a swift slapping sail. 

From any old sound that the silence destroys Arises a gamut of soul - stirring joys. 

I like noise. 

Friday, October 27, 2017


      This is a guitar it is a very popular stringed instrument. Usually it has 6 strings. There are there main types of modern guitar  - classical guitar, acoustic guitar and arch top guitar, there are electric guitars also it is usually used in pop music 

Orgen 006

This is a harmonium it is one of the oldest musical instruments of India. It is also used in Pakistan, Nepal, Afghanistan, and in others Asian countries. The harmonium is a keyboard instrument, similar to an organ. 

              There are two types of harmonium  - a foot  - harmonium and a hand  - pumped harmonium 

The elephant

The elephant is the largest mammal on the earth. His weight is about 4984 Kg.  He eats grass, leaves fruits and barks . he spends 16 hou...